The asset allocation decision is by far the greatest contributor to overall investment performance in large pensions portfolios. It demonstrably dominates everything else in the long run – individual asset class performance, trading strategies, manager selection – you name it.
This leads naturally to the expectation that the lion’s share of investment resources at any pension scheme will be devoted to it, and that asset allocation choices at schemes with a similar risk/return profile will closely resemble one another. Where they do not may be attributed to three principal factors: varying investment beliefs, structural impediments and sub-optimal portfolio construction.
Some of the major thought leaders in asset allocation, together with board members of many of the largest UK pensions funds and global investment firms, will come together to determine how well asset owners are harnessing the most powerful investment strategy of them all, and the great opportunities for them, their managers and advisers in transitioning to an optimal long term SAA strategy.
All presentations will address the importance of asset class returns for LGPS, corporate DB and DC schemes. The conference will be highly interactive, with free and frank exchanges of views, a focus on original and thought-provoking content, and with participants encouraged to engage and contribute proactively throughout.

Mark Thompson
Chair of the Trustee Board
M&G Pension Scheme
Morning Session
Devil’s Advocates Panel
A panel of three Devil’s Advocates will be on duty for the course of the morning.
They will pose stimulating questions to the conference speakers when invited to do so by the Moderator in each session, and give a summary of their conclusions and takeaways before lunch.
09.15 – 09.30
Welcome & Introduction
Programme Director:
Stephen Glover
Founder & Director
SG Pensions Enterprise
09.30 - 10.00
Keynote Presentation: Asset Allocation – Achieving Optimal Practical Outcomes
Our speaker, the CIO of a leading pension scheme, will present how asset allocation decision-making has evolved from a practical perspective across UK pensions, the current drivers of change, expected future developments, and the routes to best practice.
10.00 - 10.40
Panel Discussion: The Greatest Asset Allocation Challenges
Speakers will comprise of leaders of Local Government, Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution schemes and a senior consultant. They will describe the key decision factors that have developed their current asset allocation strategy, the purposes this is designed to achieve, and their core investment beliefs.
They will also identify what their optimal asset mix should look like in the future, the practical challenges of transitioning from the status quo, and the investment opportunities which will result.
10.40 - 11.00
Presentation: The Outlook for Listed Equities
Publicly listed equities have historically represented the key growth plank in asset allocation strategies. However equity holdings across UK pensions have diminished markedly in the last two decades, strongly driven by derisking in corporate DB plans, while the London stock market is contracting, with significant delisting and loss of business to other major financial centres.
Change is afoot, however, with the growing attraction of run-on strategies and the government’s push for growth across the board. Against this backdrop, our speaker will make the case for the performance and diversification benefits of listed equities over the medium term.
11.00 - 11.25
Networking Break
11.25 - 11.50
Case Study: Adoption of a DC Segregated Account Model
DC plans have been constrained in achieving optimal growth strategies through a combination of costs via the charge cap, daily dealing and liquidity needs, competition from providers on cost rather than value, and the need to invest over platforms.
This Case Study will present a highly innovative project by a leading Master Trust to transition their investment strategy to segregated accounts, as practised extensively by their peers in the corporate DB and LGPS sectors.
Speakers will discuss the development of this new approach, the impact on asset allocation strategy, the expected benefits to fund performance and member outcomes, and lessons for other pension schemes.
11.50 - 12.10
Presentation: The New Climate Scenarios
At SGPE’s recent “Rethinking” RI series we presented the development of new decision-useful climate scenarios designed to achieve far greater portfolio resilience to climate events than traditional models.
Our speaker will explain the latest thought leadership in achieving climate and nature targets, the effect on asset allocation strategies that the use of the new climate scenarios will involve, and the expected benefits for both portfolio performance and risk mitigation.
12.10 - 12.50
Panel: The Impact of the UK Government’s Growth Agenda
The Government has well-articulated plans to reform pensions and position them for support the
economic growth agenda. These involve extensive consolidation, encouragement to deploy capital far more extensively in UK investment opportunities, especially in VC and private assets, and with clear targets for LGPS, Corporate DB and DC schemes.
The panel will discuss the detail of these initiatives, how they square with pension funds’ own investment objectives, the impact on asset allocation strategies once implemented, and the expected benefits to investment performance.
12.50 - 13.00
Devil's Advocates Summary
The Devil’s Advocates will give their summary of the main debating points, conclusions and action points from the morning session.
13.00 - 14.00
Afternoon Session
Devil’s Advocates Panel
A panel of three Devil’s Advocates will be on duty for the course of the afternoon.
They will pose stimulating questions to the conference speakers when invited to do so by the Moderator in each session, and give a summary of their conclusions and takeaways at the end of the afternoon
14.00 - 14.20
Presentation: The Role of Secondaries and Late-Stage VC
There has been much historical resistance from pension funds to invest in venture capital vehicles, with a combination of size, cost, high risk factors and lack of track record proving overwhelming obstacles for most trustee boards. But things are changing, driven especially by the Government’s pensions reform and growth initiatives, and several VC mandates have been announced recently.
Our speaker will describe the benefits of the secondary market and late-stage VC investments and make a case for their inclusion in dynamic asset allocation.
14.20 - 14.40
Presentation: Where the Buck Stops in Asset Allocation
Our speaker will discuss the different governance arrangements at pension schemes determining who is responsible for formulating asset allocation strategy: between trustee boards, in-house investment teams, external consultants, or outsourced fiduciary managers and OCIOs.
The pros and cons of each in delivering the best performance outcomes will be examined.
14.40 - 15.30
Roundtable Discussions: Transforming Investment Performance
Following a scene-setting introduction, a Moderator at each table will lead a discussion on the key changes to governance structures, investment beliefs, decision criteria, manager selection and the resulting asset mix that delegates consider necessary to produce a step change in investment performance at their funds, taking account of the different priorities and constraints for LGPS, DB and DC schemes. Several of the Moderators will be called upon to summarise their conclusions to the overall conference.
15.30 - 15.55
Networking Break
15.55 - 16.15
Presentation: TBC
16.15 - 17.00
Panel Discussion: Pensions Consolidation
Consolidation is the name of the game in UK pensions. In the DC space, employers are increasingly rolling their plans into master trusts, in pursuit of efficiency gains, scale economies and wider investment opportunity sets, strongly encouraged by government to do so.
Similar arguments pertain in the DB space, with significant initiatives afoot to accelerate consolidation, especially of smaller schemes. LGPS plans have already implemented asset pooling across the entire sector, of course, with talk of consolidating further into a smaller number of pools, and the streamlining of administrative activities as another possible next step.
Our speakers will discuss consolidation trends across the UK pensions industry, and whether the resulting benefits in terms of enhanced investment performance via a more diversified asset mix are coming through.
17.00 - 17.10
Devil's Advocates Summary
The Devil’s Advocates will give their summary of the main debating points, conclusions and action points from the afternoon session.
17.10 - 17.20
Chair's Closing Remarks
17.20 - 19.00
Drinks Reception

Scott Anderson
Investment Manager
Environment Agency Pension Fund

Oliver Bates
Investment Director Private Debt
Foresight Group

Oliver Bell
Doctoral Candidate
Leeds University Business School

Sally Bridgeland
Brunel Pension Partnership

Jamie Broderick
Board Member
Impact Investing Institute

Stephen Budge

Rachel Brougham
Trustee Executive

Ian Connatty
Managing Partner British Growth Partnership

Andy Cox
NatWest DC Plan

Craig Douglas
World Fund

Paddy Dowdall
Assistant Executive Director
Greater Manchester Pension Fund

Robert Gardner
CEO & Co-Founder
Rebalance Earth

Hill Gaston
UK Head of Sustainable Investment

Douglas Hansen-Luke
Executive Chairman
Future Planet Capital

Mark Hedges
Trustee Director
Nationwide Pension Fund

Chris Hitchen
Border to Coast Pension Partnership

Veronica Humble
Chief Investment Officer
NatWest Cushon

Kerry King
Executive Director of Capital Markets
Accounting for Sustainability

Denise Le Gal

James Livingston
Foresight Group

Neil Mason
LGPS Senior Officer
Surrey Pension Fund

Ian McKinlay
Senior Adviser
Avida International

Charlotte Moore
Freelance Journalist

Toby Nangle
Contributing Editor
Financial Times

Stephanie Nuttall
Head of Pension Scheme Executive

Jignasa Patel
Managing Director - Business Development
Carne Group

Roland Phillips
Senior Policy Adviser, Pensions Investment Review Team
HM Treasury

Duncan Sankey
Head of Credit Research
Cheyne Capital

Hugh Smart
Investment Advisor & Trustee

Ruston Smith
Tesco Pension Fund

Mark Tennant
Country Landowners Pension Fund

Mark Thompson
Chair of Trustee Board
M&G Pension Scheme
This event will be held at the Ironmongers’ Hall in London.
Plan your journey via Transport for London.
Nearest Tube/Underground Stations (Tfl)
Barbican (Circle, Metropolitan, H&C - 2 mins)
St Paul's (Central - 6 mins)
Moorgate (Circle, Metropolitan, Northern, H&C - 10 mins)
Farringdon (Circle, H&C, Elizabeth - 11 mins)
Nearest Train Stations (National Rail)
Farringdon (11 mins)